Digital Transformations @leading Insurance carriers

@ Commercial, Speciality and Property and Casualty carriers across US
(Worked for HCL, Ernst & Young, Independent Consultant for the following customers:
Farmers group, QBE, AAA ,TMNAS, W.R.Berkley)
Summary of work and achivements
Summary of work
  • Started as a Software Engineer and ended up leading several multi year and million dollar Claims, Policy and Billing transformation initiatives.

  • As a leader of work streams helped deliver several complex data integrations, workflow engines and analytics initiatives.

  • One of the very few in the insurance world who can talk both Business and Technology depending on the audience.

  • Bailed out work streams running towards epic failures to successful value delivered.

  • Extensively worked on User problems directly with the Users bringing in both cost and time savings to the organizations.

  • Collaborated with all levels of an organization to deliver ~9 large scale digital transformations

    • Directly working with Engineers, Ops (tech & business), VPs, CTOs

  • Created and delivered complex roadmaps with proactive risk identification management and dependency management

  • Responsibly managed budgets in excess of $5 million with minimal variance to planned budgets

  • Extensively collaborated with third party vendors to

    • deliver an seamless experience for the Users

    • managing statement of work and deliverables

  • Managed teams of 6 - 46 in matrixed models => Mangers of Managers, Engineers, BAs , Program Managers

Leadership contributions
  • Built several high performing teams by hiring the right people and nurturing them to be successful in their careers

  • Instrumental in transforming several traditional waterfall organizations into high performing agile organizations and product teams

  • Transformed loose teams into cohesive units by culture of trust , respect and transparency

2005 - 2018